⭐️⭐️”Home of heterosis, heat tolerance and hardiness.”⭐️⭐️ The Red Hot Bull Sale can’t come fast enough! We're thrilled to invite you to our home in April for a weekend of great cattle and friendship! Mark your calendars for April 4th- 5th and get ready for a memorable time. ... See MoreSee Less
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Que tengan buenas ventas bendiciones para todos
Esos si están bonitos
⭐️⭐️Time is ticking!⏰ ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT to capitalize on our holiday sale priced semen packages‼️ These same bull genetics had our crew working diligently over the weekend with AI and embryo transfer. We are so excited to see what next year’s calf crop will bring to the herd. Call us today to secure your straws for your 2025 calf crop and get yourself or your loved one the best gift this year. ⭐️⭐️ ... See MoreSee Less
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Rise and Shine Thursday! Don’t miss out on our upcoming Black Friday Sale. 🎁 ... See MoreSee Less
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Beautiful ❤️ 😍
I just need some jerky meat, I want to make with green Chili
The GREAT PUMPKIN EXTRAZAGANZA 🎃🎃🎃happening this weekend at the Red Doc “Pumpkin Farm!” Cruise on over to the red barn at 1140 HWY 116, where pumpkins will be $5 each or $40 for a wagon full. Bring the kids and come fuel your pumpkin frenzy from
9:00am-3:00pm Saturday and Sunday. ⭐️⭐️All guests can also register to win the 2024 End of Harvest Red Doc Farm Gift Basket ⭐️⭐️ Hope to see you there!
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I definitely need to come get some pumpkins! 🎃
Will you be selling other produce ?
Super fun for the kids .I'm there.
Amen see you there as well ❤️❤️🙏🙏
Is this still going with the wind? Want to check before we head over
Shae Prieskorn
The pumpkins and watermelons are baby approved. 🍉🎃🍉🎃Stop by and get some for your kiddos! We are here until 3:00pm today! ... See MoreSee Less
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And I got to hold that adorable 3 month old yesterday! She’s so sweet!
These are the best looking kiddos!🥰 oh yeah and the watermelons and pumpkins are too.
So very ADORABLE!!❤️ Little BLESSINGS!! 🙏
Best little pumpkins in the patch. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love all the pictures. I just got this today on Monday. I wish I would have seen it yesterday.
So precious 💖
Just precious!
Beautiful 😍
Hermosos bebés Dios los bendiga familia saludos
Soooo cute
Muy dulces tus sandías Florian saludos familia bendiciones